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Player Resources

Below you will find resources to help all Raider soccer players. From coaching expectations and fitness requirements, to skills tests, college eligibility, and coaching notes, you will find what you need to improve as a player (and a soccer parent) on this page. Please feel free to contact the webmaster on the CONTACT page if you would like to see a topic added for discussion.

Note: If a document pertains to current team tactics, it will likely be password protected. Please obtain the password from the head coach.


Below is a 2 part video series that discusses why we structure our practices in the manner that we do. It also uses 2 training sessions as examples. Parents and players, please check it out to gain a better understanding of how our coaching staff develops training sessions. If we can get all players thinking like their club and high school coaches (instead of just following instructions) , it will accelerate the mental components of their game. 

Talking tactics

Please visit the TEAM TALK page to view our latest tactical lessons and film break-down notes. Remember, you will need the team password to view the page.

Please keep in mind that the team is like a wallet: You only get out of it what you put into it. So take some time to look at the videos and coaching terminology sheet so that you are on the same page as your teammates. This will also let you see what the coach's expect in terms of formations and  style of play. If you are unsure about any of the topics, PLEASE ASK YOUR COACH.

Playing college Soccer

If you want to play soccer in college, please check out this helpful Link. It provides very good information about eligibility, FASFA, when/how to contact a coach, etc. It also maps put what you should do each year in high school if you wish to play the next level. The 2022 College Athlete Guide can be found on the schools Athletics page as well.

Nutrition For Soccer PLAYERS

Eating and hydrating properly is just as important as training properly. Check out the guidelines below to make sure tat your body is performing to its maximum potential!

Coach's note: Drink 3-4  bottles of water throughout the day at a minimum (one with every meal) then a sports drink after the practice. Eating a banana before a session can assist with cramps as well. When in doubt, do the "urine color test".

SOCCER Challenges

Players will partake in skills challenges and a technical skills trophy will be rewarded at the end of the season for Varsity and  JV. The Renegade Dribbling Challenge and Clockwork Challenge will be part of the contest so take a peek at these challenges below and start practicing!



Click the button below and start practicing this great dribbling challenge. The coaching staff will give you other exercises to do on your own or with a partner to improve your game.

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